Our daily habits shape our lives: the good ones and the bad ones. Often times we *know* what to eat and do, but our lives tend to take over and we don't do as well as we would have liked.
With our Starter Guide, we aim to give you the tools to start creating and maintaining healthy habits, which will help you feel fitter lose weight and feel much better.
Positive changes affect all areas of our lives and once you start with one, and see how simple it can be, you will soon see that adding other positive changes is easier than you think.
Join our Habit Transformation Starter Programme FREE and start your healthy habits
(It says 'buy now', but it really is free!)
What healthy habits do you want to start doing? Why would that be important to you? At www.healthybestyou.co.uk we help women have less stress, more movement and less pain, and we find that tracking what we eat is a good way to start.
Why? Good nutrition is the beginning upon which every aspect of our being is based. It isn't about calorie counting, it's about realising that the food we eat really does nourish us from the inside out.
Allow me to be your expert guide and help you create and maintain healthy habits so that you benefit from optimal health. I completely understand how difficult it can be to create and maintain new healthy habits: I've recently been diagnosed with nerve root damage at the base of my spine/pelvis, and I have had to adapt many new healthy habits so that I can move and keep active and pain to a minimum.
Healthy habits are something we can all work towards and maintain; an example: we brush our teeth twice a day, don't we?
Three sure-fire ways to create and maintain Healthy Habits
#2: What are the Nuts and Bolts of Your Guide?
#3: Take back control with one easy new habit
Have you ever decided to join a gym, sign up for a slimming club, and be determined to walk every day, but these healthy habits never stick? There's a good reason.
Starting multiple and complex new habits all at once is a sure-fire route to disaster.
Sorry to have to tell you that: but you already knew that, didn't you? Why is that? There are many reasons, but the one staring us in the face is: there are too many to do, and your brain and body cannot cope. Having too many changes too quickly will lead to not completing any, and leaving you frustrated and down. But there is a better way...
Let me show you how to introduce healthy habits, one at a time, and make them so ridiculously easy that you will start to wonder how you managed without them.
#1: One habit at a time.
No more. Ever, if you want to make sure your healthy habits stick around.
When we stick to just the one habit we can devote more time on the nitty-gritty of why.
When creating a new healthy habit, do you set your intention for the day?
By doing this healthy habit, what would you like to achieve? Does the reason why you are doing it feel connected to you and a deeper purpose you may have?
Have you ever decided that 'now is the time for me', and REALLY stuck to it? Grab notebook, or open notes on your phone and write your intention down. Do this every day you are creating this new healthy habit. Why? By writing it down every time you set your intention you are telling your brain you are doing it. Your brain then knows what to do - it is looking your for you to make this intention real.
#2: Two minutes per day - you can do that!
Whatever you have decided to do, make sure, above all else, that it takes 2 minutes or less a day to do. Yes, LESS THAT 2 MINUTES!
If, like brushing your teeth, your new habits take 2 minutes or less per day you will stick to it. YES YOU WILL! You will not stick to a new healthy habit if each time you do it you find yourself spending a long time on it. We don't have time as it is, right? Let's get set for success and make the new healthy habit as easy as possible.
You can also remind them of other resources you have on your website as well as paid services or events that you offer. Don’t be shy. They may have more questions after reading (or in the future). Invite them to leave comments below the post so they stay engaged.
#3: Take back control
When we were small children we learned new things by repetition: tying shoelaces, writing your name, etc.
It is the same with learning habits now. Repetition - but also taking this one step further to cement this new habit.
Master this and you will soon be enjoying long-lasting habits that will help you lose weight and feel fantastic as well!